Everyone knows that simply “having good products is not enough” and that promoting them is crucial to success as “there’s no point in having the best product in the world if nobody knows about it”.
The B2B/B2G technology world is no exception to this rule. Making your company, its technologies and its products known, enticing potential customers to get in touch and find out more about the company and its possibilities, confirming existing customers in their choices, supporting sales of existing products and new product launches are actions that are just as essential in the technology industry as staying present in the consumer’s mind is for the consumer world.
While promotion and communication are essential in this field, they differ significantly from those used in the B2C world.
This theme examine and explore different aspects of communication and promotion in the B2B/B2G technology world.
The Technology Marketing Academy blog has been created by a group of consultants and trainers who collaborate for more than ten years with the largest B2B/B2G High Tech companies in France and abroad. ont enseigné dans les plus grandes Business Schools. Il est coordonné par Valérie BERTHEAU, Group Product Policy VP, Thales et Présidente, 3AED-IHEDN et par Michel PERRIN qui a enseigné le marketing technologique et le marketing digital à l’Executive Education d’HEC Paris durant près de 15 ans.
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