Push or Pull, finding the right balance
Should innovation be based on internal capabilities, especially technical capabilities, or should it be in response to market or customer demand? The question is not so simple in B2B/B2G high-tech.
Should the innovation come from a technical capacity of the company or should it be a response to a demand from the market, from one or more customers? The former is called a “techno-push” and the latter a “market-pull”. Both can be successful, but each type of innovation has its own risks: products that have no market or are too expensive in one case, demands that cannot be met or are too changeable in the other. The solution lies rather in a constant dialogue between techno-push and market-pull: constantly confronting the company’s technical capabilities with the market’s attention in order to find the successful innovation, the one that will make it possible to create the innovative product or service that the markets and customers will choose and will be ready to pay for at the right price.
Successful innovation enables a company to gain an advantage over its competitors and sometimes to “disrupt” the market to its own advantage, i.e. to change the rules of the game. It requires both an effective internal organisation of the processes leading to innovation and an effective ability to listen to the expectations, expressed or not, of the markets.
Should innovation be based on internal capabilities, especially technical capabilities, or should it be in response to market or customer demand? The question is not so simple in B2B/B2G high-tech.
The Technology Marketing Academy blog has been created by a group of consultants and trainers who collaborate for more than ten years with the largest B2B/B2G High Tech companies in France and abroad. ont enseigné dans les plus grandes Business Schools. Il est coordonné par Valérie BERTHEAU, Group Product Policy VP, Thales et Présidente, 3AED-IHEDN et par Michel PERRIN qui a enseigné le marketing technologique et le marketing digital à l’Executive Education d’HEC Paris durant près de 15 ans.
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