Financing innovation
Where to find the vital funding for innovation activities, whether it is to finance research, the development of new products, services or solutions, or improvements to be made?
Innovating always consumes internal budgets and resources, but in the technological world, this vital activity is also usually very expensive. The question of how to finance innovation is therefore an acute one. Whether the funding is internal, partly from customers, or supported by public authorities or agencies, it is essential to find ways to finance innovation activities.
This section explores and illustrates the different ways of financing innovation in the technology world.
Where to find the vital funding for innovation activities, whether it is to finance research, the development of new products, services or solutions, or improvements to be made?
The Technology Marketing Academy blog has been created by a group of consultants and trainers who collaborate for more than ten years with the largest B2B/B2G High Tech companies in France and abroad. ont enseigné dans les plus grandes Business Schools. Il est coordonné par Valérie BERTHEAU, Group Product Policy VP, Thales et Présidente, 3AED-IHEDN et par Michel PERRIN qui a enseigné le marketing technologique et le marketing digital à l’Executive Education d’HEC Paris durant près de 15 ans.
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