Product Lifecycle Management

Economy & Technology Cycles

Many markets are driven by economic cycles. It is well known that the demand for airliners has in the past frequently been punctuated by cycles of 7 to 10 years. This is also the case for many B2B/B2G high-tech markets with varying lengths and amplitudes, some markets are even fundamentally cyclical. This is one of the elements that drive technology markets, but there are others: even more fundamental for companies are the technology cycles that substitute a new technology for an old one, with an adoption rate that is not easy to anticipate. In addition to these economic and technological cycles, there are, as in all markets, “unforeseen events” such as devaluation, social crisis, revolution, war or COVID 19.

Anticipating technological and economic cycles as much as possible in order to guide the pace and amount of investment is a permanent concern for the high-tech B2B/B2G company, as is building an agile organisation capable of reacting to unforeseen events,

 This section explores and illustrates the notions of technology cycle, business cycle and unforeseen event in the B2B/B2G world, and their consequences for companies.

Economy & Technology Cycles

Introduction: product life cycle management

How can a large number of often innovative products, whose development is long, costly and sometimes risky and which, if successful, are destined to remain on the market for a long time, be managed simultaneously and over time? This is the question posed by the management of product life cycles in the high-tech B2B/B2G company

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