Market ecosystems in technology
B2B/B2G markets are not just about customers. They are usually complex ecosystems that need to be analysed in detail.
Technology markets are often complex ecosystems. They may include a multitude of actors: governments, regulators, standardisation or certification bodies, lobbyists, intermediaries, financiers, consultancies, etc. They are also often characterised by complex “market value chains” whose successive stages are potentially or actually in competition. These stages may range, for example, from component manufacturers to suppliers of complex systems that may mix hard, soft and services. Competitors, who can sometimes also be partners and customers, can build on assets, technological or otherwise, to enter markets where they have not previously been.
This section explores and illustrates different aspects of “market ecosystems” in the technology world.
B2B/B2G markets are not just about customers. They are usually complex ecosystems that need to be analysed in detail.
What does it mean to understand your markets and be customer oriented in technology? Beyond the general principles, how does it involve facing particular challenges?
The Technology Marketing Academy blog has been created by a group of consultants and trainers who collaborate for more than ten years with the largest B2B/B2G High Tech companies in France and abroad. ont enseigné dans les plus grandes Business Schools. Il est coordonné par Valérie BERTHEAU, Group Product Policy VP, Thales et Présidente, 3AED-IHEDN et par Michel PERRIN qui a enseigné le marketing technologique et le marketing digital à l’Executive Education d’HEC Paris durant près de 15 ans.
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